Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing

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Monday, April 29, 2024 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Presented By: New Jersey REALTORS®
Product Type: Webinar
Continuing Education Credit:
  • New Jersey Real Estate: 3 Elective Credits (C20203982)
Instructor: Eileen Cahill

Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing helps real estate professionals interrupt stereotypical thinking so they can avoid fair housing pitfalls and provide equal professional service to every customer or client. Participants will examine the history of bias in real estate, learn about the mind science of identity,  study how implicit bias can result in fair housing violations, and engage in interactive exercises to enhance communication skills and business relationships with clients of all backgrounds.

Product Notes

This timely and relevant certificate course helps real estate professionals interrupt stereotypical thinking so they can avoid fair housing pitfalls and provide equal professional service to every customer or client. Participants will examine the history of bias in real estate, learn about the mind science of identity, study how implicit bias can result in fair housing violations, and engage in interactive exercises to enhance communication skills and business relationships with clients of all backgrounds.

At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to describe the history of bias and discrimination in real estate to understand how neighborhoods became segregated and appreciate the challenges many consumers still face because of their identities; explain how implicit bias may result in violations of Fair Housing laws and industry ethics; identify interventions to prevent implicit bias, identity anxiety, and stereotype threat from influencing behavior so that consumers are treated with equal concern, respect, and fairness and increase personal motivation to confront these phenomena in their business and community.

Non-Members: $20.00
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